Propel Your Website To The Top of Google with a Guided SEO Platform

Your cost-effective, DIY SEO toolkit. Ideal for therapists, clinics or coaches that have no SEO experience to spend just a few dedicated hours every month using the platform’s expert, step-by-step guidance to elevate your website’s SEO and see noticeable results.

Loved by 11,000+ users from across the world.

A Brief Overview of How It Works in 4 Steps

Build an SEO Strategy and get 100+ High-Impact keyword opportunities.

Keyword Suggestions

Get guided, actionable tasks tailored to the time you have allocated.

Generate SEO-friendly blog posts with AI.

Choose a topic and let the platform draft the articles for you. A few edits to match your tone, and you’re ready to publish.

Track & Report Results

Track your SEO performance and build SEO reports so you can see what’s working and what needs more focus. The platform tracks your rankings in Google, your traffic, backlinks and lots more. Easy-to-understand, actionable insights in a report contianing:

Watch The Video Overview

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